Obituary and Biographical Scrapbooks 1880-1916 (Lawrence, MA)

obitArthur DeMerrick Marble compiled the five scrapbooks in this collection.   He used already printed volumes (probably copies of Lawrence City Documents).  These bound volumes had newspaper clippings pasted on them covering the pages entirely.  The clippings include obituaries, biographies, wedding announcements, anniversary and birthday party reports, and miscellaneous articles.  The content is not exhaustive.  Individuals included are people of consequence in the Greater Lawrence area during the period covered by the books.  An index was included in volume 4.

During the summer of 2004 an index was compiled including volume number, page number, individual’s name (last name first), date of the article (if available), and occasional miscellaneous information.  There were 1574 names (some duplications, i.e. the same individual had both an obituary and a biography).

4 Responses

  1. I believe you are right completely

  2. Curiously, a well written post.

  3. Is there an online copy of his scrapbook I can read. My great grandfather is listed

  4. […] Biographical and obituary scrapbooks 1880-1916 (EXCEL FILE) […]

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